#16 - 29th March 2021
Dennis Doomen - A recipe for gradually migrating from CRUD to Event Sourcing
Pariveda - Beyond APIs: Re-architected System Integrations as Event Sourced
Distributed Systems
Bilgin Ibryam - The Evolution of Distributed Systems on Kubernetes
Tomasz Onyszko - Why should you use Kubernetes in 2021? Or why not?
Philippe Bourgau - Speed up the TDD feedback loop with better assertion messages
Thomas Pierrain - Write Antifragile & Domain-Driven tests with "Outside-in diamond" ◆ TDD
David Fowler - Add API to turn delegate or MethodInfo into a RequestDelegate
Łukasz Reszke - How good are your .NET tests? Test your tests with Stryker mutator
Radu Matei - Getting started with NodeJS and the WebAssembly System Interface
IBM - Why using WebAssembly and Rust together improves Node.js performance
Coding Life
Romeu Moura - The Systemics of the Liskov Substitution Principle
Understand Legacy Code - Don't make Clean Code harder to maintain, use the Rule of Three
Lee Vinsel - You're Doing It Wrong: Notes on Criticism and Technology Hype
Mannu Linux - From TikiWiki to Domain Admin - Journey to pwning a company
Google - Macaroons: Cookies with Contextual Caveats for Decentralized Authorization in the Cloud
The Verge - Slack quickly removes message invites in its new DM feature over harassment concerns
Protocol - WhatsApp for work: Slack is turning into a full-on messaging app