Invitation to webinar: Simple patterns for events schema versioning
Events (schema) versioning is a boogeyman for people learning Event Sourcing. They’re a spooky tale told at the campfire. There’s a truth in it, as migrations are always challenging. As time flows, the events’ definition may change. Our business is changing, and we need to add more information. Sometimes, we have to fix a bug or modify the definition for a better developer experience.
Migrations are never easy, even in relational databases. You always have to think on:
What caused the change?
What are the possible solutions?
Is the change breaking?
What to do with old data?
And that’s the same way with events schema. I won’t tell you that migrations and versioning are easy, but I’ll show you simple techniques that should take you far enough.
I invite you to the next webinar for Architecture Weekly paid subscribers: “Simple patterns for events schema versioning”. This time no special guest, but me, but I hope that’s also fine!
I’ll show you them in practice, getting hands dirty in code. I’m sure that after this webinar, the common scenario won’t be too scary for you. It’ll also be a good chance to discuss and ask questions on unclear scenarios. So webinar, is not quite clear, I intend to have interaction!
The webinar will happen on Thursday, January 25th, at 6 PM CET (UTC+1) and last 1-1.5h depending on the number of questions.
Become a paid subscriber and join us live!
Feel invited, and see you there!
Best regards