Each month we’re running exclusive webinars for the paid subscribers community.
You can join it live and take an active part in it. Or watch them later through the recording.
Complete list of webinars we had so far:
#2 - Keep your streams short! Or how to model Event-Sourced systems efficiently
#6 - Alexey Zimarev - You don't need an Event Sourcing framework. Or do you?
#7 - Design and test Event-Driven projections and read models
#9 - Radek Maziarka - Modularization with Event Storming Process Level
#11 - Maciej "MJ" Jędrzejewski - Evolutionary Architecture: The What. The Why. The How.
#12 - Jeremy D. Miller: Simplify your architecture with Wolverine
#14 - Mateusz Jendza - Why Verified Credentials is the Future of Digital Identity!
#15 - Mário Bittencourt: Leveraging BPMN for Seamless Team Collaboration in Software Development
#16 - Papers We Love #1 - Sagas (Hector Garcia-Molina, Kenneth Salem)
#18 - Andrea Magnorsky: Introducing Bytesize Architecture Sessions!
#20 - Papers We Love #2 - How do committees invent? (Melvin E. Conway)
#21 - Michael Drogalis: Building the product on your own terms
#23 - Gojko Adzic on designing product development experiments with Lizard Optimization
#24 - Frontent Architecture, Backend Architecture or just Architecture? With Tomasz Ducin
#25 - Applying Observability: From Strategy to Practice with Hazel Weakly