Invitation to webinar with Yves Goeleven: The Fantastic 9. Messaging patterns explained.
Hey! 😀
I invite you to the next webinar for Architecture Weekly paid subscribers.
This time, a special guest Yves Goeleven, will show us Fantastic 9. What’s that? Let’s give Yves to explain it:
There are thousands of design patterns to choose from, but in reality I believe we only need 9 design patterns to build any system imaginable. Why only 9? And which ones? Join me in this session and I'll introduce to these Fantastic 9...
When I saw this talk live at Techorama my reaction was:
I really wanted to see it again, and as I haven’t found the recording of it anywhere, I’m thrilled that Yves agreed to join our community and give it to us!
Yves is an independent software architect, founder of and He is specialized in the design of distributed software systems using Progressive Web Applications, Event Driven Architecture, Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing, messaging, and Microsoft Azure.
I think that the Fantastic adjective is not exaggerated. Those 9 messaging patterns are a condensed way to translate the conceptual model into actionable architecture.
The webinar will happen on Wednesday, September 13th, at 6 PM CET (UTC+1) and last 1-1.5h depending on the number of questions.
Become a paid subscriber and join us live!
Feel invited, and see you there!
Best regards