I started Architecture Weekly with the idea to organise links and save them from disappearing when my browser crashed. Now it got much bigger than that. Two years later, it has over 1800 subscribers in total. It also has an exclusive community of paid subscribers!
As an appreciation and celebration for the 100th edition, I did this Live Q&A for the whole subscribers’ community. Don’t wait, and sign up for a paid subscription to get access to other webinars!
#5 - Architecture Weekly 100 Edition - Live Q&A
#6 - Alexey Zimarev - You don't need an Event Sourcing framework. Or do you?
#7 - Design and test Event-Driven projections and read models
#9 - Radek Maziarka - Modularization with Event Storming Process Level
#11 - Maciej "MJ" Jędrzejewski - Evolutionary Architecture: The What. The Why. The How.
#12 - Jeremy D. Miller: Simplify your architecture with Wolverine
#14 - Mateusz Jendza: Why Verified Credentials is the Future of Digital Identity!
#15 - Mário Bittencourt: Leveraging BPMN for Seamless Team Collaboration in Software Development
Papers We Love #1 - Sagas (Hector Garcia-Molina, Kenneth Salem)
Webinar #5 - Architecture Weekly 100 Edition - Live Q&A